Thursday, September 3, 2009

Oh so tired.....

Not too much to report...not too much has changed. I've been less nauseous though, this is good. It's not gone, but it's been better the past few days. I'm just so tired I can't stand it. 10 hours a night doesn't do the trick. Really?!?! And my sense of smell has changed. My very favorite pump hand soap from Bath & Body, Kitchen Spice, I can't tolerate the smell of anymore. Just gonna hold on to the couple un-opened ones I have and hope I can love it again someday. Lol. There are several things that turn my stomach on a dime. I am 7 weeks tomorrow. Or maybe a few days past that. Now that they moved my due date up a little I am guessing that means I am farther along? Who knows...confusing to me...I'll ask my doc next week when I go. Oh, and I don't think I've mentioned the pre-natal pills. Or should I say HORSE PILLS. Please people...we can send people to the moon but we can't fit all the nutrients a pregnant woman needs for a day in anything less than the size of a football? Hee hee. But seriously, I had the worst time at first, and with a little coaching/strategy from daddy, it's gotten better. I can get it down without gagging most times now. :) I know, I've got to sound like negative be honest, it's really not fun right now and that's just the way it is! I am truly looking forward to, and counting the weeks until, this trimester is over. I am sooooo excited to feel better and feel the baby and see my tummy grow and hold her or him when she or he arrives. What better "prize" could God give us at the end of all of this than a beautiful baby.....


  1. Things to think about

    -Switch to a chewable prenatal vitamin. (I'll see if I have more samples at home and let you know the manufacturer but I'm sure your OBGYN will know.)

    -Take your prenatal at night so just Maaaybe it will help with your stomach? (worth a try).

    -be lucky you don't have a 2 1/2 year old that still requires a butt wipe. Talk about gag reflex.

    -I am also a different person when I'm pregnant. Tim wants to send me off to a 'facility' only coming home when I have a baby in my arms so don't feel bad! Being conscience of it will help you try to overcome and help you and your hubby through this! The outcome will be lots of funny stories to tell your child.

  2. I know those pre-natals are a bear. They are big, but if they're giving you nasty burps let your doc know and they can change them. I'm so sorry that you are so tired. I guess it's just a part of it...ugh! Thank God for a good Daddy! He's already helping you along the way! She'll (or he) be here before you know it...So, enjoy! I promise you will miss it when it's over!

  3. oh, and i check your blog everyday...i love the updates!
