Friday, September 18, 2009

9 weeks, etc.

Happy Friday! To start, the picture is a gift from my mom. Baby has his/her first Gator gear! And they're newborn booties! Could my heart melt any more?? Awww!

So, to make a long story short...a few weeks back, after my first sonogram, my doctor was concerned because the baby implanted his or herself to right in my uterus. Normally, it's in the center. So I have been seeing a specialist at Winnie Palmer (where I'm delivering) weekly since. Getting weekly sonograms, etc. They were worried it was too far right, "cornual", in which case the baby is too close to the fallopian tube and the pregnancy has to be terminated. If it's not caught, it ruptures between week 12-16, and many times requires immediate hysterectomy. It's been a very scary month for us. We've not shared this with many people, besides our families. WELL...I had another sonogram yesterday and it confirmed we are in the clear! Baby is not too far right and all is good! No more specialist, no longer high risk, no more weekly trips, just regular doc appts with my OB. WE ARE SO RELIEVED AND THRILLED!!! Baby itself and sac has been just fine and still is. Baby's heartbeat was 178 yesterday! There is no validity to the old Wive's tale that a fast heart beat means it's a girl...but for fun sake, if it were, we have a girl on our hands! And we are all praying for a girl, riiiiiiiight???!!!! :):)

More good news...I have been feeling SO much better. For about the past week. I'm still tired, but it's bareable, not debilitating. The nauseau is 80% gone. Yay!! Huge turn around. I had prepared myself for feeling yucky through the end of this trimester (which I might remind you is right around the corner!!) and I got a pleasant surprise last week. 

So, about my due date...I will discuss this on Monday with my doc...(I have my OB appt then, it's the longest appt of the entire pregnancy. Oh joy. Lol) The specialist was going with 4/23/10, my original due date, which puts me at exactly 9 weeks today. You might remember that my OB has moved that up 5 days based on my first sonogram. I think it will get moved back. We'll see...

We're getting ready to start changing over the one spare bedroom for baby's room. Sorry Mo! ;) There isn't THAT much to do, but the closets are pretty full in both so that will take a little time. It will just give me an opportunity to "clean house" on them. I've been looking at baby furniture on line. Phew, not cheap! I know I want the convertible crib, that way baby can use it from crib through child hood. It just makes sense to go that route. And thank God Cribs 4 Life isn't the only one making those these days (they are an arm and a leg there)! I'm open to suggestions/websites, mommys, so let me know if you have any!!

Enough of my blabbing! The next milestone is hearing the heart beat soon! We've been seeing the heart beat every week, I want to hear it! Exciting. Until next time...take care everyone.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

This is too cool!!!

Click on this link. It's the coolest thing I've seen yet, in regards to the baby growing in my belly from conception through birth...I am so glad I found this!

I have another sonogram tomorrow and will be getting it on CD. Baby has doubled in size since last time and I can't wait to see the difference. Also, my first sonogram that I posted was not on CD. So not only could you not really see baby, the clarity was terrible because I had to scan it from paper to computer...should be a big difference this time and I will post!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Oh so tired.....

Not too much to report...not too much has changed. I've been less nauseous though, this is good. It's not gone, but it's been better the past few days. I'm just so tired I can't stand it. 10 hours a night doesn't do the trick. Really?!?! And my sense of smell has changed. My very favorite pump hand soap from Bath & Body, Kitchen Spice, I can't tolerate the smell of anymore. Just gonna hold on to the couple un-opened ones I have and hope I can love it again someday. Lol. There are several things that turn my stomach on a dime. I am 7 weeks tomorrow. Or maybe a few days past that. Now that they moved my due date up a little I am guessing that means I am farther along? Who knows...confusing to me...I'll ask my doc next week when I go. Oh, and I don't think I've mentioned the pre-natal pills. Or should I say HORSE PILLS. Please people...we can send people to the moon but we can't fit all the nutrients a pregnant woman needs for a day in anything less than the size of a football? Hee hee. But seriously, I had the worst time at first, and with a little coaching/strategy from daddy, it's gotten better. I can get it down without gagging most times now. :) I know, I've got to sound like negative be honest, it's really not fun right now and that's just the way it is! I am truly looking forward to, and counting the weeks until, this trimester is over. I am sooooo excited to feel better and feel the baby and see my tummy grow and hold her or him when she or he arrives. What better "prize" could God give us at the end of all of this than a beautiful baby.....