Friday, August 21, 2009

5 weeks

Well, today I'm 5 weeks along! I prefer to think of it as I'm starting my 6th week, LOL. Makes me feel like I'm just a little bit closer! Hey, whatever works, right?

I'm feeling about the same, with exception of a couple of new things happening that I will spare you the details of. :) Outside of this morning, I was able to fall back asleep for a bit this week after Aaron's alarm went off at 6am. So, that was nice. My doctor and the books tell you get all the sleep you can, now. As for sleeping through the night, yeah right. I am up 2 to 3 times a night using the bathroom. I feel like my bladder is the size of a pea. I guess this is God's way of preparing you for being up and down throughout the night when the baby comes.

My uncle Bob is coming today to stay with us for the weekend, my mom will be staying with us as well. I'm really looking forward to it! We're gonna grill tonight and watch the Vikings pre-season game. Tomorrow, with any luck, there will be some sun and we plan on pooling it for awhile.

We've decided which room will be the baby's. For those of you who have been here, it's going to be the carpeted room, to the left of the spare bathroom, closest to the living room. It just seems to make more sense all the way around.

We have a name in mind for a girl, Lauren Elise, but as for a boy, not a single clue. Nothing. Oh boy...I am open to suggestions!! ;)

I think that's about it...until next Wednesday when we have our first sonogram!! Can hardly wait for it!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! If you are already peeing all night just wait till you are 20 weeks along! Girl, I feel for you:). As for boy names, I'm thinking Nicholas Aaron Schultz!!! It's a good solid name!
