Thursday, December 10, 2009

21 weeks tomorrow...

Hi all! I hope everyone had a super fabulous Gobble Gobble Day! Ours was great, we had mine and Aaron's families here. Now all company has returned home and the house is quiet again...ahhh....for a few months anyway. Lol. Here are a couple pics of me from last Friday I think. 20 weeks. And I had a sonogram on Monday. She's still a girl. :) Her heart rate was 148, got to see her kidneys, the 4 heart chambers, etc. My mother in law went with me to this one, she was amazed. However, as usual, she would not sit still; or roll over for a good profile picture this time. Speaking of...I am feeling her now! Gosh, I almost forgot to mention! Duh! It started right about Thanksgiving. I wasn't sure what I was feeling but I specifically mentioned it out loud to Aaron, my mom and aunt, that I felt something, and just in case I figured out later it was her, let it be known for the record that this was the first time I remember feeling her. And it's been going since...At night and in the mornings mostly. The two times of the day I'm still and calm. And I do feel her several times throughout the day while working at my desk. It wild. It's low, lower than I thought it would be, and the best way for me to describe it is a flutter. Aaron is just dying to feel it. I told him it's going to be awhile I'm sure. I just started feeling her myself! He is getting soooo excited for Lauren to get here. He talks about her alot now. It's so cute, I cherish all of this with him...She's going to be daddy's little girl, that's for sure. Whether she wants to be or not. Lol.

I went to register on Sunday. April went with me, she's a mommy pro and someone I knew I wouldn't want to kill by the time we were done. ;) I had done some research already, so I knew a few things I wanted. But what a loooong process. And I'm not done yet! We had a fun time though. :)

We haven't started on the nursery yet. I wanted to enjoy some quiet time after company was here/decorate for X-mas, etc. before we started. Will start with picking out the paint. I think we'll go this weekend to get the paint, then see when Bart can come do the painting. There are several things that friends have given/are giving me, in good condition, that I'm sooooo thankful for!! Thanks you guys!!!!

My next regular monthly doc appt is on Monday. For now, that's it! xoxo