Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's a girl!!!! :)

Finally, we know that we are having a baby girl! Yesterday was such a great day. Long, but good! I had a regular doc appt and my sono, back to back, but it ended up taking forever to get out of there. And all I wanted to do was get out of there and share the news with our families and friends!! As you can see, we got a couple of really good shots this time during the sonogram. But in person we really got to see so many shots. Got to see her kidney's, heart- all 4 chambers, spine, bladder, and so on. It was the most amazing thing I think I've ever seen. Aaron was in awe. If you remember, he wasn't there for my 11 weeks sono, so the last one he saw she didn't look like a baby yet. We saw several shots "between the legs" and there no mistaking she is a girl! We talked alot about names the last few days and decided that Lauren Elise it is. We both love it, I just wanted to make sure DADDY loved it just as much as mommy and he says he does. Her heartbeat was 141 and she weighs 7 oz.

From my doc's office we went straight to Target. We bought 2 gift bags, one each for his parents and my mom. They were baby bags, gender neutral and we put yellow tissue paper, so you couldn't tell the sex from the outside. Then put pink baby stuff in them. Pacifiers, "I love Grandma(pa)" bibs, pink socks, etc. I loved that idea!! (Read it on internet somewhere) They are both tickled "pink". Haha. Get it? ;) For our friends we sent out a Thanksgiving greeting/surprise that announced we were having a girl. Fun stuff... :)

My blood pressure was right on, everything looked good for mommy's health, doc was thrilled. Also stayed the exact same in weight! Loving that! And we heard the heart beat again!! :)

The next couple of weeks are going to be busy! Family and Thanksgiving. REALLY looking forward to it! After that's over we will start on the nursery. If I don't update again, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! xoxo

Monday, November 9, 2009

17th week

Well, time is starting to move along. Yay for that! Before I forget, the pic to the left was taken about a week and a half ago. Many of you have seen it...First prego pic! Baby bump is here now and the last weekly update I got from Baby Center on Friday said the baby is starting a big growth spurt now; baby should double in size over the next few weeks. Wow! She or he is about 4 1/2 inches now. 

I am feeling great. Aaron and I went to Sea World Saturday, it was beautiful outside. I am loving going walking, now that it's nice outside. I was pooped by the time we were done though! We've been very busy which I think has really helped the last few weeks fly by. We helped my mom pack up and move. And we spent yesterday doing house stuff. My aunt is flying in for 11 days a week from Saturday for the Thanksgiving holiday. The painting is done and we got most of the soon to be nursery cleared out and moved to the new spare bedroom. I'm so excited. I will be even more excited once it's all DONE. ;) House has been in a bit of an uproar the last few weeks. 

I have my sonogram to find out the sex soon. I am counting down!! We are so excited. I just want to know - boy or girl?!?! I feel like I will have even more of a connection with the baby. And fun to toss around names, etc. And to shop and look for stuff! We have decided on the nursery decor/crib set for a girl and boy, after many hours of looking around on line (and a couple of you girls helping me look!!). I am so glad that's done. We were kind of specific on what we wanted, I did most of the looking and dad said yeah or nah. Worked out great. Lol. We're not big on themes so that takes a large portion of the "looks" out of the equation. Aaron's mom saved a bunch of small toys from when Aaron was young and I want to find a way to incorporate some of those into the room as well. 

I'm probably leaving out a bunch but over all everything is going great!! Hope this post finds all of you doing well. :)